musicians, poets, artists, photographers, bands, writers, designers…
Welcome to the home of the imaginalCreatives
imaginalCreatives (iCreatives) represent the creative strand of the imaginalCollective and comprises of musicians, poets, artists, photographers, bands, writers, designers …YOU name it! (learn how below). The common thread here is that we’ll all be creative individuals and groups who share the imaginalCollective’s passion of…
…creating a beautiful future today, for all the children’s tomorrows.

The main vibe here is one of inspiring joyful, beautiful change, now, for our future generations. It’s not about preaching, forcing/fighting, pushing against, coercing …or judgement of any kind (and inadvertently creating more division and separation in the world) …it’s just us getting on with being the change that we want to see in the world. So the iCreatives are a movement based upon Self-responsibility for both ourselves, planet and our future generations …the blame game culture is definitely not a part of this.
The plan is to get as many of us creatives out there, who resonate with this vision, to inspire others (one way is by getting onboard the imaginalMap) and to start collaborating. Together we’ll co-create a diverse range of events; online and offline, local and global …what about festivals, virtual open mic sessions, art displays? …join in and send us your ideas(see below) as this is OUR collaborative project.
But my art isn’t about the environment or societal change in anyway …is this still for me?
Yes it definitely can be, your art doesn’t have to be THE thing (though that would be great!) …the key element of the imaginalCreatives is that we resonate with the core values of the imaginalCollective, which is really about fostering a mindset of non-judgement, and we have a desire to collaborate with other creatives on projects that we feel will contribute to a brighter tomorrow for our future generations.
Please do check back here soon for latest news and events, thank you.
discover other imaginalCreatives…
…on the imaginalMap
…in the community directories
Feel that you’re an imaginalCreative and would like to get involved?
- if you’re not 100% sure… then do contact us and ask any questions you may have.
- if this resonates… register now as an imaginalCollective member (it’s FREE! and we appreciate anything you’re able to gift) and apply to become a member of the imaginalCreatives ‘Membership Group’ …you’ll then (as well as other member facilities) be granted access to our imaginalCreatives social group where you can connect and interact with the wider community.
- please bare with us as this section of the imaginalCollective is very much in it’s early days …we’ll be providing more content and more ways in which you can share your own content as this project progresses …and we’ll need your input as to how this all unfolds :-).
- read our FAQs on membership and how to register…
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