gifting & the imaginalCollective

The gift economy represents a shift from consumption to contribution, transaction to trust, scarcity to abundance and isolation to community.”

Charles Eisenstein


To gift the imaginal collective please click the following button, thank you.

Using the metaphor of the stages of a butterfly, humanity is still very much in the caterpillar world, and this feeds on money. Much to our discomfort we are still bound to this dependency yet to co-create something ‘more than’ we need to join together to contribute our own small pieces to the butterfly phase/paradigm that we all feel is just around the corner. Gift the imaginalCollective and we will return to you not only a global virtual community (and an imaginal map) of all those who are looking to contribute their part to this new future …but we will also continue to support the formation of communities, world-wide, that will include both local and intentional community groups.


community portal