imaginal Community Membership

The imaginalCollective is an umbrella organisation who’s members comprise of individuals, projects, movements, organisations and various community groups. Whilst becoming a diverse and vibrant community, members all share this one thing in common:

the desire to create a beautiful future today, for all the children’s tomorrows…

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What's the difference between imaginalCollective membership and our community Membership Groups?>

As well as becoming a member of the imaginalCollective (which is required in order to be a part of, and to interact with, our website and virtual global community) you can also become a member of a variety of Membership Groups.

Membership groups are literally groups of imaginalCollective members that range from third-party, like-minded groups and organisations (who are affiliated with the imaginalCollective) to internal groups and projects (such as the imaginalCreatives) that are run by the imaginalCollective and it’s members.

Very often, Membership Groups are setup with their own private social groups which generally function like Facebook groups: as well as having a live feed they can also house their own discussion forums and are therefore a great way to stay in touch with, and collaborate with, other like-minded members who have similar specialist interests.

what is expected of members?>

Becoming a member of the imaginalCollective does not obligate you to do anything other than place yourself on the imaginal map and the community directory and to be in agreement with our )i( Community Agreement.

Yes, on becoming a member you are invited to get involved as much as possible with )i( activities (such as community discussions) but these are purely optional.

Our primary vision is that we are able to view one another as one beautiful human family – one that desires a more life-affirming reality for our future generations.

who can join?>

Basically, any individual, group or organisation who holds an intention that resonates with our vision statement and is in agreement to conduct themselves in accordance with our )i( Community Agreement can join.

does it cost anything?>

No. In alignment with how we see the unfolding evolution of humanity (towards what we refer to as the butterfly paradigm) we do not charge for membership.

We are endeavouring to embrace the ethic of the ‘gift economy’ and are open to receiving donations, or gifts, in order to fund this growing movement.

Click here to learn more and/or gift the imaginalCollective.

why become a member?>

In these extraordinary times of uncertainty, of separation and isolation, this is an opportunity to feel the power of connectedness and community. An opportunity to unite to co-create a diverse community of people who can imagine a positive future born of love and joy. Despite the dangers that surround us, despite the narratives that confound us, we feel that universal draw to connect with others in the shared vision of peace and love that we know must be possible. Much of the time we feel so alone in that vision that the aloneness can lead to discontent and despair. This is an opportunity to see yourself amongst other like-minded people, groups and organisations and to place yourself in this community, on a map; to state that a more joyful and loving future is possible and that I am joining with my brothers and sisters all around this beautiful planet and pledging my service and support to this joyous future.

We use the metaphor of the caterpillar turning into a butterfly often here. The process starts with the appearance of imaginal cells and the change only truly gets underway when the imaginal cells start communicating and clustering. You are already an imaginal cell for humanity – the magic really starts to happen when you connect with other imaginal cells. The imaginalCollective recognises this need for global community. We recognise that by finding each other and coming together we are able to achieve more whilst also being in a loving, supportive and connected environment. We have designed the imaginalMap specifically so you that you can realise that you’re not alone – there is a huge community of beautiful people who feel as you do and they are closer to you than you think! If you have something specific in mind you can also contact them. You have already achieved much for yourself and your community, how much more can you achieve with the help of a few soul brothers and sisters?

We cannot become One until we know we are One!

how do I join?>

Firstly, anyone who would like to become part of the online imaginal community needs to register on our website.

Note: If you are already a member of an organisation affiliated with the iC you may still need to register on our site (please speak to your organisation’s iC admin/moderator).

You only need to provide basic details during this process (such as name, email address, username (which is used to help identify your profile) and your profile type (most people will probably want to select Individual)

For a step by step guide please click on the following link…

Click here for registration & Membership FAQs


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