pranic healing
“Healing is meditation in motion.” – Master Choa Kok Sui

Tea Room in the Japanese Garden at Pinetum
Pranic Healing at Pinetum Gardens, St Austell, Cornwall
The Imaginal Collective is bringing Pranic healing to Pinetum Gardens. Simon Nowell, a Pranic Healing therapist and Arhatic yogi for 15 years, will be offering consultations in the Japanese Garden. There is no charge but donations will be appreciated.
The word ‘Prana’ means life’s energy, the Chinese translation is ‘Chi’.
Pranic Healing is a highly evolved and tested non-touch complementary therapy. It is used to heal a wide range of physical and psychological ailments. This system can enhance any area of your life. It is highly systematic and scientific in its approach, which distinguishes it from other healing therapies. Pranic Healing is a simple yet powerful and effective system that works on the principal that the body is a self healing organism.
We all live busy lives and a condition or ailment can arrive through certain patterns, lifestyles and psychological changes. By using specific techniques for those ailments or conditions the pattern can be reversed and the body is able to heal itself.
It is an incredible technological breakthrough in the science of healing. Many professionals including the medical profession, psychologists, therapists, families and business professionals are now utilizing Pranic Healing alongside orthodox medicine to help enhance every area of their lives.
Why Pinetum Gardens?
Quite simply: because it is beautiful! The imaginalCollective believes that one of the reasons that people suffer illness and disease is because of our current way of living in this fast-paced modern society. Our disconnected lifestyle means that we have lost our deep connection with nature and Mother Earth. At Pinetum Gardens you can start to rebuild your connection with Mother Earth by viewing Nature at its most spectacular for yourself. You will experience a quiet sense of peace and joy as you immerse yourself in the gentlest beauty of the 11 gardens and you will feel a gentle expansion of your heart as the stresses and anxieties of your life are eased by the simple expedient of connecting with Nature.
On a more esoteric level Pinetum Gardens is a node in a worldwide spiritual network, drawing in energy from the Cosmos and sharing it freely with the surrounding lands. These nodes are currently being identified throughout the world by spiritual Masters and native indigenous elders who have forever been the guardians of Mother Earth.
“The Energy Center we identified are convergence points between our planet’s inherent energy flow, a.k.a. ley lines, and the cosmic energy flow.
The tower we erect connects the two distinct energy flows. The harmonization and resonance of two energies not only create a special field for enlightenment of the body, mind and spirit, but also create an anchor that stablizes the region during the coming environmental turbulence.”
Christopher Chuang, Taoist Master

Christopher Chuang, Taoist Master
Simon is looking forward to practicing his healing just yards away from such a powerful energy node that he and the rest of the imaginalCollective helped consecrate.
How it works
There will be six appointments available for healing sessions at the start of each hour. Simon will be at Pinetum Gardens every Monday and Friday until the Autumn. You can turn up on the day and book a healing slot from those available or you can contact Simon directly to reserve a slot via the booking form below. Sessions will be booked strictly on a first come first served basis.
What to expect
On your first visit Simon will ask you for a quick overview of your medical history and any medication you may be using currently. Pranic Healing works very well alongside your doctor’s treatment and you will be encouraged to keep seeing your medical doctor for any ailment you may be suffering currently. The healing session is completely non-touch and the current social distancing guidelines will be followed completely. Pranic Healing can be effective for all physical, emotional and psychological ailments you may have.
At 1pm Simon will spend the hour around the main café area where he will be delighted to answer any questions you may have about Pranic Healing and the imaginalCollective.
Simon can be encouraged to give a short talk about the healing process and how he became a Pranic Healer! He can also give you more information regarding the work of the imaginalCollective.
Just to say thank you so much for your wisdom and healing yesterday, I left the garden lighter in spirit and feeling more positivity then I have felt for a very long time and moving forward I shall take that wisdom with me. I also slept a lot better!
I had known two other Pranic healers before I met Simon, but my family’s and my experience with Simon has been beyond words. We all connected to him in our first session, from there on there was no turning back.
Simon has saved me from starting my anti-depressient medications. He has turned my world around. He has allowed me to discover my hidden confidence. To address my fears with realistic expectations. Manage my ego and pride with realism rather than being emotional about it. To enjoy appreciate and celebrate small joys and victories on a daily basis.
To Book an appointment call Simon on 07799 646024

Pinetum Gardens