Political News from around the world

As the Earth Changes progress they add significant strain onto our societies. This is reflected in the difficulties of our systems to keep the human-world…

Climate News from around the world

I post this report regularly and highly recommend that you sign up for the email that arrives every couple of days. These news stories are…

Global Temperature report for 2023

Full details from Berkley Earth for the global temperature report for 2023. This is the first year that the world temperature has exceeded 1.5C against…

Economic News

All life is an interconnected web. Everything is built upon this web, we call it Mother Nature. Climate Change is having an ever-increasing disruptive affect…

Climate News From around the Globe

Climate news from around the globe – I recommend that you signup for this news letter as your main stream news outlet is reluctant to…

Wetiko – The Scourge of our time.

When considering the Earth Changes we are presented with a myriad of facts and interpretations of those facts. The whole issue is complicated and that…


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