conscious dreaming ceremonies
Photo by Josep Castells on Unsplash
“Empty yourself of everything,
Let the mind become still.
The ten thousand things rise and fall
while the Self watches their return.
They grow and flourish and then return to the source.
Returning to the source is stillness,
which is the way of nature.”
Lao Tzu
To help navigate these extraordinary times, we have an opportunity to align our energies with the natural cycles – to both individually and collectively explore our capacity to consciously dream our world into being.
Over the winter months the imaginal Collective are inviting 10,000 Conscious Dreamers to gather together virtually and follow a sequence of dreaming ceremonies deeply rooted in ancient Earth wisdom traditions.
‘Dreaming’ is an interconnected field of consciousness, which expresses itself through the relationship between our bodies, night – and day – dreams, each other and the world around us.
This is an ocean of intelligent energy that transcends boundaries of time and space: there is no separation in this realm, only an ongoing process of evolution and growth.
When we speak of Conscious Dreaming we mean awareness of our experience of relationship with Life, our co-creation with the Universe and what is needed for our own and our collective evolution.
Meet the hosts
Collectively your hosts for this ceremony have spent over 100 years living and sharing these sacred teachings. Prepare yourself for an ancient journey of deep integrity and authenticity that is relevant for these extraordinary times. A journey that ensures that the lessons of this year are understood and prepares you to approach next year from a perspective of love and joy.

Taking place over the winter moons there are four rounds and five ceremonies:
Each round covers the days in between the full moon cycles, giving an opportunity for personal and collective reflection. During this time there will be space on the imaginal Collective portal to communicate and share your experiences with the conscious dreaming community.
Each ceremony will be a guided online ritual, aligning our energies together and with the elements of earth, air, fire and water. The final ceremony at Spring Equinox will powerfully release our collective dreams.
Ceremonies will be online and more details will be provided upon sign up.
To help you determine what times the ceremonies will run in your part of the world…
Open Google and just type “20:00 GMT in “ followed by where you live eg “denmark”
A simple timezone converter…
First round (Nov 22 – Dec 21)
Ceremony One: “Gathering the Harvest” Sunday 29th November, 20:00 – 21:30 (GMT)
We will reflect upon the past year, honouring all that was harvested and begin to release and let go of the things that no longer serve us.
Second round (Dec 21 – Jan 20)
Ceremony Two: “ Winter Dreaming” Monday 21st December (Winter Solstice), 20:00 – 21:30 (GMT)
This is the time to dream, prepare dream bundles of what we want to birth, to grow and to create in the New Year.
Third round (Jan 20 – Feb 18)
Ceremony Three: “Emerging Dreams” Sunday 31st January, 20:00 – 21:30 (GMT)
This is the time to begin to develop strategies and plans.
The fourth round (Feb 18 – Mar 21)
Ceremony Four: “Preparing the ground” Sunday 28th February, 20:00 – 21:30 (GMT)
This is the time to begin to gather resources and prepare the ground for action.
March 20th Spring Equinox
Ceremony Five: “Planting your Dreams” Saturday 20th March (Spring Equinox), 14:00 – 15:30 (GMT)
On the Spring Equinox it is time to take action, plant the seeds of your dreams, begin to nurture them and watch them grow.
Your dreaming ceremony hosts…

Sue Milner is a psychotherapist, a dreamer and a dancer authorised to teach the sacred Dance of the Directions. She is dedicated to nature and processes of collective transformation.

Carlos Philip Glover carries Earth Wisdom Teachings, based on the circular wisdom of the Medicine Wheel, and shares them with interested people in ceremonies both online and in person. He is passionate about nature, beauty and soul.

June McGuire synthesises a background in corporate change and risk management with her work as a counsellor, coach, catalyst and dreamer. June’s particular passions are developing resilience and resolving individual and collective trauma, promoting of personal and global peace.

Rich Good facilitates programmes and ceremonies around the world connecting people with nature and their original nature. He is deeply inspired by indigenous wisdom from the East and West and has a great passion for all of life and living in harmony and balance with the Earth.
You are invited to choose both the amount of money you donate for these events and, when to make that contribution. There are 5 ceremonies over 4 months as well as online engagement in the rounds between the ceremonies. Imaginal Catalysts will support your journey virtually over the entire period. You may choose to contribute at the beginning or upon completion or at any stage during the ceremonies. The amount you contribute will reflect both value to yourself for the programme and also your financial circumstances. The imaginalCollective is a social enterprise and we offer this program in the spirit of a gift, trusting in the generosity of participants to support our work in developing and sustaining such programs in the future.
How to take part…
Please note that you can join these ceremonies until 20th December. Registration will be closed after this date.
1) bookmark this page:
Just in case you get lost at any point, bookmarking this page in your browser will ensure that you can always access this information.
Also, we are here to help if you get stuck at any point. There is a LiveChat link at the bottom-right of this page – between 8am and 6pm (GMT time-zone).
2) register an account with the imaginalCollective website:
You need to have a registered account on our website in order to sign up for these ceremonies as it is through this that the ceremonies will be accessed via the Conscious Dreaming Circle group (see step 4 below).Press the register button to create an account on our website. Press the login button if you already have a registered account…
3) gift the imaginal collective:
Please see the ‘Program Cost’ section above.
4) sign up for the dreaming ceremonies & join our ‘Conscious Dreaming Circle’ social group:
The ‘Conscious Dreaming Circle’ is a hidden, private social group that only registered, logged-in members will be able to join. It provides a supportive space through which ongoing programme content will be shared (including how to prepare and what we mean by ‘dreaming’) and where participants will be able to connect with one-another regarding their experiences.
(when logged in your sign up button will appear here)
5) visit your dashboard and get on the imaginal map:
This is optional but highly recommended. The dashboard provides a checklist that helps you to setup your imaginalCollective member profile, areas of interest and expertise etc. This is important if you would like to change the way you appear to other members and to be included on the imaginal map and/or our community members directory.